The title of my blog is no regrets. I'm not sure about you but I have never met anyone to this day who regrets weight loss. Have you ever heard anyone say "oh that was a waste of time," "i shouldn't have done that," one says that. Weight loss is ALL positive. You feel better, you look better, you move better, you are better!
My weight loss journey began about 2 years ago. My Little Benjamin was about 9 months old. With my other two children it took me till they were 3 or 4 to get down to a weight I was comfortable with at the time ( which was 20 lbs heavier than I am now).
I took a trip to see my family in Arizona. I had moved to Pennsylvania and was struggling. It was a hard time for us. My husband was in the thick of his orthopedic residency. I was depressed and feeling some things I did not like like-- hating my body, constantly wanting to change my clothes because I didn't like how they felt, and looked, lack of confidence in myself, insecurity in my marriage, and a host of other feelings. On this trip I remember one of the days changing my clothes 4 times because I didn't like how I was looking. I also did not enjoy exercise and I felt like I could never wear what I wanted. I always had to work at hiding this or that flaw in my body.
I also realized that my self esteem had been wrapped up in my work for the previous 10 years. It was now time to stay at home and be the mom I always wanted to be. I wanted to be a fun, happy mom. Not a depressed, insecure, overweight, unconfident mom. I decided that I could do something that would help me have a better self esteem without working, and that was weight loss.
Last summer we spent a week in Hilton Head. As I was walking on the beach with my husband I said to him "this is the best vacation we have ever had." He was a little perplexed and argued with me about this. He reminded me that we had been to Hawaii and on several cruises. You know what??? It doesn't matter what or where you are...when you feel good about who you are, what you have become, the goals you have achieved. nothing is better than that. I guess that is why that was the best vacation to me. AND I HAVE NO REGRETS!
Ok DeAnn... I'm ready for this. What's the latest? I need to lose at least 15, so I can start feeling better about myself too. I totally agree with everything you said. Who wants to be depressed and unhappy? Hope you post something new soon.